Past Conferences
Past Academic Conveners
Eleventh and twelfth annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Tenth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Ninth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Eighth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Sixth and Seventh Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Third, Fourth and Fifth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Dr. Dan Miodwnik, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
First and Second Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Past Conference Administrative Staff
Ms. Anat Illouz, Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations
Mr. Hanan Haber, PHD candidate at the Federmann School of Public Policy, the Hebrew University
Ms. Hila Bar-ner, the Hebrew University
Ms. Ronit Sebty, the Hebrew University