
Best Paper Award

A committee comprised of leading Israeli scholars in the fields of Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy will select the best paper presented at the Conference.  Papers submitted via email by midnight November 15th, 2017, will be considered for the award.  Co-authored papers are accepted only if all the authors are graduate students. The length of the paper should not exceed 10,000 words (including bibliography and notes).  Although PhD dissertations and MA theses are not eligible for the competition, papers based on these may be submitted.



Previous Winners


13th Annual Conference, 13-14 December 2017

Best Paper

Mr. Guy Mor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Whither the State? The Abolition of the State in Marx and Engels"


Honorable Mention

Mr. Doron Ella, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Categorization in International Organizations"


12th Annual Conference, 13-16 December 2016

Best Paper

Ms. Liran Harsgor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for her paper: "The Partisan Gender Gap in the US: A Generational Replacement?"


Honorable Mention

Ms. Chen Sharony, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, for her paper: "Public Preferences for Redistribution and Policy Outcomes: A Comparative Study"


11th Annual Conference, 8-11 December 2015

Best Paper

Mr. Or Tuttnauer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "To oppose or not to oppose: comparing parliamentary oppositions and their behavior"


Second prize

Mr. Ehud Segal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "When Small Policy Changes Accumulate: Policy Sequences in Air Pollution Policy in Israel"


10th Annual Conference, 9-12 December 2014

Best Paper

Mr. Betto van Waarden, De Groene Amsterdammer, for his paper: "Teaching for Toleration in Pluralist Liberal Democracies" published in 2017 in Democracy & Education


Second prize

Mr. Ray Hok-chi Poon, University of Hong Kong, for his paper: "Regional Variations of FDI Inflow: A Study of Subnational Governments in Thailand"


9th Annual Conference, 11-13 December 2013

Best Paper

Mr. Yossi Sarid, University of Haifa, for his paper: "The Role of Access to Ballots in GOTV Campaigns: Evidence from a Field Experiment"


Second prize

Mr. Charles Lesch, Harvard University for his paper: "Another Solidarity: Emmanuel Levinas on Violence, Sacrifice, and Micro-Political Responsibility"


8th Annual Conference, 12-14 December 2012

Best Paper

Ms. Morin Hayo-Hemo, University of Haifa, for her paper: "Are all Politicians Corrupt? The Personal Need for Structure and stereotypes of Political Corruption Perceptions in Israel"


Second prize

Ms. Dana Markowitz Elfassi, University of Haifa, for her paper: "How does Beauty Shape Political News in Television? The Effect of Physical Attractiveness of the Israeli Politicians on the Tone of their News Coverage"


7th Annual Conference, 14-16 December 2011

Best Paper

Mr. Phillip Martin, Carleton University for his paper: "Sharing Power after Deadly Conflict: Do Inclusive Institutions Work After the Fighting Stops"


Second prize

Mr. Yisahi Glasner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Judah Hlevi's Attitude Towards the Law"


6th Annual Conference, 15-17 December 2010

Best Paper

Ms. Michal Livnat, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for her paper:"Foresighted Hindsight Bias and its Impact upon Decision Making Carried out by a Third Party"


Honorable Mention

Ms. Aysen Ustubici and Ms. Darja Irdam, Koç University, for their paper: "Impact of Remittances on Human Development: a Quantitative Analysis and Policy Implications"


Honorable Mention

Ms. Hannah Schwander, University of Zurich, for her paper: "What do Outsiders Want? Explaining Welfare Preferences in Dualized Countries"


Honorable Mention

Mr. Yaniv Feller, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "For the Sake of This World: Martin Buber and Gnosis"


Honorable Mention

Mr. Eyal Benozio, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Turkey, the United States and the Kurds in between: the Security Dilemma in Asymmetric Alliances Under Unipolarity"


5th Annual Conference, 9 December 2009

Best Paper

Ms. Jenny Oser,Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for her paper: "A Vicious or Virtuous Circle? Aligning Ontology and Methodology in the Study of Participatory Inequality"


Honorable Mention

Ms. Hanan Haber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Regulating for Welfare: Varieties of Regulatory Welfare Regimes in the Israeli, British and Swedish Electricity Sectors"


4th Conference, December 2008

Best Paper

Ms. Keren Weinshall-Margel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for her paper: "Attitudinal Model versus Neo-Institutional Approach to Supreme Court Decision-Making: Israel in Comparative Perspective"


Honorable Mention

Mr. Yonathan Reshef, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Solidarity, Communitarian Ontology, and Individual Rights"


Honorable Mention

Ms. Heike Kluever, University of Mannheim,  for her paper: "Good theories deserve good data: Testing theories of interest group influence using quantitative text analysis"


Honorable Mention

Mr. Rony Silfen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Uti Possidetis Juris: Same Same but Different"


3rd Conference, 17 January 2008

Best Paper

Mr. Kabiri Ariel, University of Haifa, for his paper: "Anarchy Is What Technology makes of It: A Materialistic Selection of the Social Construction of Power Politics"


Best Paper

Ms. Koreh Michal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for her paper: " The transformation of the finance system: mere incremental changes or a silent revolution in the Israeli welfare state?"


Best Paper

Mr. Tzur Doron, Bar Ilan University, for his paper: "When K.I.S.S. is not an Option"


2nd Conference, December 2006

Best Paper

Ms. Olena V. Bagno, Tel-Aviv University, for her paper: "Destination Does Matter. Life-long openness model of political socialisation applied to the study of CIS Jewish immigrants in Germany"


Best Paper

Mr. Avishai Benish, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper: "Privatized "Welfare-to-Work" Programs and the Problem of Inherent Oversight Failure"


1st Conference, November 2005

Best Paper

Mr.  Doron Navot, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for his paper "Everybody talking Corruption, Nobody is talking Justice"


Special Distinction for PhD

Mr. Maoz Rosental, Tel Aviv University, for his paper: "Stability and Instability from a rational choice perspective"


Best MA Paper

Mr. Mtanes Shihadeh, University of Haifa, for his paper: "Economic voting in Israel: Differences and similarities among Jewish voters at the center and the periphery"