Past Academic Conveners

Past Academic Conveners

Eleventh and twelfth annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 

Tenth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ninth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Eighth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Sixth and Seventh Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur and Dr. Galia Barnathan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Third, Fourth and Fifth Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Dr. Dan Miodwnik, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

First and Second Annual Conference: Professor David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem